Tuesday, February 15, 2005

2-15-05: Castle Boulder

<<UPDATE: 9-10-07>>

Here is a more detailed description of the problems at The Castle:

1. Downclimb, v2
2. Crispy Chicken, v3
3. What's in Store?, v4
4. The Crack, v1
Slappy McSlaperson
, v5 (aka Ghetto Booty)

5. Slappy McSlaperson, v5 (aka Ghetto Booty)
6. Unknown name, v2
7. Thief in the Night, v7
8. Unknown name, v5

9. Bunny Funeral, v8
10. Defenestration, v9
11. Come on Tex, v5

12. project, v 'damn hard'
13. Pit & the Pendulum, v8
14. project, v 'silly hard'

15. Medina Mantel, v3
16. Trojan Horse, v5
17. Squirrel Run, v9
18. Trojan Horse Direct, v6
19. Air Trojan, v8
20. Flying Squirrel (project), v10?
21. Spicy Chicken, v6r
22. Spicy, v4

Again, y
ou can check it out on Google Earth by clicking HERE.

Take Cabin Creek Rd. (off of 89) toward the dump. Take the first obvious dirt road on the left. Head right and go about a mile to another obvious left. Go straight for 3 miles until you see the Castle Boulder on the left. It will be soon after a big water bar in the road.


Original Post:

Raza on what was to become "Defenestration" [v9]
photo: Lyn Verinsky

Tim found the Castle Boulder and he and Scott cleaned and did all the hard work. I managed to snake in right at the end and nab the FA of "Defenestration", but only after whimpering and falling off the stand-up version many times. After Tim cruised the stand-up (Bunny Funeral), he inspired me to go for it. It ended up not being too bad. Thanks Tim.

Finding the Castle Boulder is not that easy. If you drive by the dump off of highway 89, that will get you started and to be honest I'm not exactly sure of the L/R directions. The GPS coordinates are:

[N 39º 17.266 W 120º 15.654]

You can check it out on Google Earth by clicking HERE.



Anonymous said...

where is this boulder?

Anonymous said...


At The Castle (aka the dump)

#3 is "What's in Store?"

#5 is "Slappy McSlaperson"

#8 is "Tenedos Direct"

In between #6 and #7 going slightly right is "The Raptue" V4


Anonymous said...

oops. #18 is Tenedos Direct, not #8. No name on #8 yet.


Mr Summit said...

i think #5 is named "ghetto booty"? although slappy mcslapperson is a good one.