Monday, November 06, 2017

11-6-17: Lower Yosemite Falls

I recently explored some boulders near Lower Yosemite Falls and found and climbed some fun "new" lines. Some of them may have been climbed before, but it was a bit hard to tell. 

I've been thinking about different ways to share information here on BetaBase, and on this trip I experimented with the GAIA GPS app and iPhone photo markup. Hopefully, you will find this method informative and easy to use.

First Boulder

A: Hands Solo, v2/3; Start with opposing sidepulls, climb to sharp point, then to top.
B: Wookie Wall, v0/1; Start in crack, climb to apex.
GPS Link

Second Boulder

C: Ranko, 4/5; Low start with RH pinch and low left sloper, move to undercling then climb angular prow.

Third Boulder

D: Beast Mode, v2/3; Start on high ledge ~7', campus to lip then follow lip left and mantel when above adjacent boulder.

Fourth Boulder

A: Crusty, v5/6; Sit with good undercling, climb up and through offwidth, and a chockstone finish.



Great Western Power Co. said...

DuDe!Whaaaat! A new BetaBase Post! This makes me hella happy to see!!! More more more plz!
BetaBase provides me much inspiration and motivation to this very day!

sahar said...
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