Andrew Descalso on the The Payback [v4]
A new president was recently inaugurated and in the spirit of democracy, I thought it would be cool to have the people vote on the name of a boulder problem. The arete to the left of Montezuma's Revenge was put up in the same time frame, but we failed to name it even though it is a worthy problem in its own right.
The other two problems on the boulder are Rubik's Revenge and Montezuma's Revenge.
Register your vote on the poll to the right. Let your voice be heard! If you think of one of your own, click 'other' and add a comment to this post. The polls will close February 23rd; don't be disenfranchised.
Update: 3-2-09
Polls closed and 'The Payback was the winner. Below are the results.

Andrew is a sexy mofo revenge
Explosive Diarrhea
People are voting for "other" without suggesting an alternative.
That poll looks like it's going to be too close to call!
I too am in favor of Explosive Diarrhea.
Im sure everyone will like this one. I vote for O' Bummer.
I think I climbed this first right after I got the FA on MR stand. I was bad about naming things back then. Considering the history I think this right is mine and with that said I will call it Explosive Diarrhea.
By my count there are 6 problems on this boulder.
How 'bout we have fun with this poll!! Frye thinks he climbed it too. Anyways, doesn't the 'right' to name a boulder problem expire after 5+ years?
This problems been around for a long time. Maybe Frye did it maybe Timd did it but Yabo or Bachar or some schlub lost on his way to Chruch Bowl could have sent it too.
While the Explosive Diarrhea name is funny I suggest something a little tamer but still in the vein. Aztec Arete?
Explosive Diarrhea??? Let's not follow in the footsteps of the developers in Hueco and give problems sophomoric and ridiculous names. Have some class people! (And by people I mean you, Justin)
- Lyn
Why pretend to have class when I am sophomoric?
For the record I wanted to name it Explosive Diarrhea
first and I am a childish Hueco guide.
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